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Pope's 'odd' words on China and Cardinal Zen

Pope's 'odd' words on China and Cardinal Zen

When Pope Francis' spoke about Cardinal Zen, on the return flight from Kazakhstan, it sounded like he preferred to abandon him to his fate in order to save diplomatic relations with China. Moreover, he took a strictly political and unreligious approach to Vatican relations with China.

Vatican stamps celebrate Luther not Lepanto

Vatican stamps celebrate Luther not Lepanto

The Vatican Philately has made a few strange choices and omissions by recalling Charlie Chaplin and the Protestant Reformation, yet stepping over the 450th anniversary (2021 edition) of the battle of Lepanto, which marked the end of the Islamic threat in Europe, and (2022 edition) of the death of Pope St. Pius V: a holy and courageous pontiff, perhaps too far from current "standards".

Congress of World Religious Leaders: an atheistic project

Congress of World Religious Leaders: an atheistic project

The Pope’s participation in the Congress of World and Traditional Religious Leaders, which is taking place from today in Kazakhstan, cannot fail to raise questions and perplexity. The pretext is working for world peace, but in this way the Church participates in the new syncretistic civil morality, which necessarily puts the truth or non-truth of religions in brackets.

“EU under the thumb of Big Pharma over new pandemic”

“EU under the thumb of Big Pharma over new pandemic”

"It’s the Pharmaceutical companies who are dictating what agenda the European Parliament should follow by forecasting future pandemics and imposing vaccines, already in production, but without the EMA’s approval". The independent MEP Donato raises the alarm, over implicit admissions and demands on the EU Commission: "The responsibility for the adverse effects lies with the states because the vaccines were tested in haste; no tests were conducted to prevent contagion; flexibility requested to enable the sale of vaccines even without an emergency"

Irish teacher challenges LGBT  "war on pronouns"

Irish teacher challenges LGBT "war on pronouns"

A Church of Ireland school teacher who refused to use gender neutral pronouns for a transgender student and went to school despite a court induction, has been jailed. "Religious freedom violated". The case will go to the High Court.

Venice Film Festival propaganda goes trans

Venice Film Festival propaganda goes trans

Films are one of the most powerful propaganda weapons at the disposal of states. In fact, Venice is abuzz with films about the trans world. It has nothing to do with culture, nothing to do with art. Now it’s pure propaganda.

Chilean voters overwhelmingly reject radical anti-Christian Constitution

Chilean voters overwhelmingly reject radical anti-Christian Constitution

By a large majority, the Chilean population has rejected the proposed new Constitution promoted by President Boric. Despite much press coverage and considerable interference from abroad (including the UN and the USA), rejection won in the constitutional referendum. The text of the new constitution included abortion, LGBT rights, and ecologism.

"My uncle Albino, the Pope who considered himself ‘God's delivery man’"

"My uncle Albino, the Pope who considered himself ‘God's delivery man’"

On the eve of  Pope John Paul I’s beatification in Saint Peter’s, the Daily Compass reports his nephew’s testimony, son of the Pope’s brother Edoardo: «He was a person who lived between heaven and earth, eager to evangelise, to communicate Christ to everyone. This is why he put the teaching of the Catechism first, he believed it was the basis of faith ". "His life teaches us that it is possible to live as Christians even in very difficult times".

Ukrainian crisis: Poland prepares for war with Russia

Ukrainian crisis: Poland prepares for war with Russia

Increased military spending, the purchase of armaments, increased number of soldiers, voluntary military training: in Poland, war is not only considered inevitable, but for many it is even an opportunity to settle the score with Russia. And the hottest front is currently the one with Belarus.

"Baby A": first declared dead, then alive, for judge should die

"Baby A": first declared dead, then alive, for judge should die

The case in the United Kingdom of a baby who came back to life after being declared dead has led to the revision of the guidelines on the declaration of "brain death". Yet, it may not serve to save lives, because judges can still apply the principle of "best interests". As in the case of "Baby A": he breathes and moves but his life support will be withdrawn, because the real criterion is eugenics.

Paglia case: how to destroy Catholic morality

Paglia case: how to destroy Catholic morality

Recent statements, in Italy, by the president of the Pontifical Academy for Life on abortion have caused scandal and controversy. But these are not extemporaneous remarks, rather there is a precise intention to transform the entire moral doctrine of the Church. Monsignor Paglia is only carrying out the task entrusted to him.

Bavarian woman builds a church to fulfil a promise

Bavarian woman builds a church to fulfil a promise

A beautiful chapel gives visible and concrete form to a Bavarian woman's prayer for the healing of her son. It took Rosa Mühlberg three years to build it including parts built with her own hands. And it is more beautiful than many modern cathedrals. It’s proof that authentic sensus fidei also inspires true beauty.