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War and peace, not all popes are the same

War and peace, not all popes are the same

The same call to lay down arms, but with a different approach depending on pope situation. From the "suicide of civilised Europe" (Benedict XV) on the Great War, to Pius XII's attempts to avert the Second World War, to Francis' current attitude. The Daily Compass interviews Professor Massimo de Leonardis on the role of Popes in the times of war during the 20th and 21st centuries.

Pope Francis’ many errors on China in Reuter’s interview

Pope Francis’ many errors on China in Reuter’s interview

In his interview with Reuters, Pope Francis blesses the agreement with China for the appointment of bishops and exalts Cardinal Casaroli's Ostpolitik in the 1960s and 1970s, taking it as a model. But that diplomatic experience was a failure for the Church and the same is happening with China.  

Vatican finds way to approve contraception and assisted fertilisation

Vatican finds way to approve contraception and assisted fertilisation

The publication of a volume which collects the proceedings of a conference organised by the Pontifical Academy for Life is the occasion to open a new 'process' aimed at changing Catholic morality: the legitimisation of contraception and its counterpart, artificial insemination, is in the sights. Monsignor Paglia: “This is how we advance theological bioethics”.

Cancel Culture, the eternal Gnostic dream of starting over from scratch

Cancel Culture, the eternal Gnostic dream of starting over from scratch

That change must be permanent and the relative must be absolute, is typical of gnosis. So, Cancel culture should be defined as a Gnostic phenomenon. It disregards reality and order, creation and norms deposited in society over centuries for the enhancement of rebirth, a new creation, a new world. Many are the aspects of everlasting gnosis that we encounter in Cancel culture. And thus, we cannot fail to find its struggle with the Christian faith which has always been its main enemy.

Pelosi’s Communion in the Vatican undermines US bishops

Pelosi’s Communion in the Vatican undermines US bishops

The Speaker of the House visited the Vatican and received Holy Communion during the papal Mass, in open defiance of Bishop Cordileone, who had personally forbidden her Communion for her open support of abortion.

Covid vaccines approved for infants in US: a useless risk

Covid vaccines approved for infants in US: a useless risk

The US FDA gives the go-ahead for Covid vaccines to be administered to infants and talks as if a solution has been found to a scourge that claims innocent victims, as polio or diphtheria did. But it makes no mention of the embarrassing fact that the lethality rate for infants affected by Covid is 0.00008% and this for infants with pre-existing conditions.


Historic ruling: the US Supreme Court strikes down the right to abortion

"The US Constitution does not confer a right to abortion". This is the Supreme Court judgement which finally after 49 years cancels the Roe v. Wade ruling. Now the authority to regulate abortion passes to individual states. It is a monumental lesson for all pro-life supporters: the course of history is not ineluctable, it can be changed for the better when there are people determined to fight without compromise, for the truth and dignity of mankind. Former President Trump also deserves recognition for the victory: the Supreme Court judges he chose proved decisive.

Four months of war in Ukraine: the prophecy of Civitavecchia

Four months of war in Ukraine: the prophecy of Civitavecchia

Four months have passed since the Russian invasion of Ukraine; it was supposed to be a blitzkrieg, now it promises to last for years, according to the protagonists themselves. Russia has no intention of stopping until its goal is achieved; on the other side NATO is determined to do everything to defeat Putin. And more and more countries find themselves involved in some way. The prospect is increasingly worrying, and recalls Our Lady's prophecy in Civitavecchia about the risk of a nuclear world war between West and East. It can be avoided under these conditions...

Cardinal Zuppi lies about gay couple blessing

Cardinal Zuppi lies about gay couple blessing

A communiqué from the archdiocese of Bologna (Italy) denies that the mass in Budrio on 11 June was to bless a gay couple, but witnesses say otherwise. And the Daily Compass also reveals the content of the wedding invitation sent via WhatsApp by one of the 'spouses'. The diocese's document also falsifies a 1986 document by Ratzinger in order to show that it is in tune: but that document said exactly the opposite, it is in fact a clear condemnation of Cardinal Zuppi's pastoral work.


Vaccine victims in Italy call for parliamentary investigation

Vaccine victims in Italy call for parliamentary investigation

For the first time in Italy, the Committee representing 1,800 victims of the anti-Covid vaccine has met and is now calling for a parliamentary investigation committee to inquire into vaccine damage. Considerable evidence from doctors, journalists, and many injured people at the congress is causing the wall of silence to crumble. Dr De Maria and Dr Venezia: "Long Covid and adverse reactions, there is a common thread"; Dr Donzelli: "The protection of the triple-vaccinated is already negative after six months, the unvaccinated are infected less than the vaccinated"; Dr Frajese: "There has been a numbing of consciences"; Dr Savini: "In my vaccinated patients +30% of pathologies”.

First gay blessing in Italy, diocese of Italian bishops’ president

First gay blessing in Italy, diocese of Italian bishops’ president

First, the civil union at the registry office, then the blessing in church. It’s the first time a gay couple has been blessed in public in an Italian church. What’s more, it took place in Bologna which is the diocese of Cardinal Zuppi, the president of the Italian Bishops' Conference. An act which is in open violation of the Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which forbids such blessings. It’s a demonstration of the pharisaic hypocrisy of certain pastors who, instead of calling the sheep back, proudly lead them on the road to perdition.

Two ways to avoid a global food crisis

Two ways to avoid a global food crisis

The first measure to control global food prices is to put some of the accumulated stocks on the market. But then structural interventions are needed to increase production: the EU has taken the opposite route, focusing on organic farming, therefore developing countries have to go it alone. The negative consequences of Laudato si' and the positive role the Church could play instead.