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Thanks to the FBI, Catholics discover their role in resistance

Thanks to the FBI, Catholics discover their role in resistance

The "confidential" document of the American Federal Police which considers anyone who follows the Mass in the old rite and prays the Rosary "dangerous extremists" has worked to galvanise them. Now they know they are the true soldiers on the front line in the fight against the terrorism practiced by the very state bodies once the government of the United States.

Isabel and Fr Sean acquitted but praying for life remains risky

Isabel and Fr Sean acquitted but praying for life remains risky

Arrested for praying silently near an abortion clinic, the two Catholic and pro-life activists, are found "not guilty". A major victory against thought crime, but a law looms that will make it mandatory in England and Wales to ban people from approaching all abortion clinics.

"Civitavecchia: Our Lady's prophecies are already being fulfilled"

"Civitavecchia: Our Lady's prophecies are already being fulfilled"

The diabolic attack on the family, apostasy and scandals in the Church, the danger that threatens Italy and the risk of a nuclear war, which nonetheless - Mary advised - can be avoided. The Daily Compass interviewed Father Flavio Ubodi, vice-president of the diocesan commission which studied the events of Civitavecchia. The messages given by Our Lady between 1995-96 "are being punctually fulfilled".

Jesuits hold firm to soften sanctions against Rupnik

Jesuits hold firm to soften sanctions against Rupnik

From Jesuit Verschueren’s statements, it seems highly unlikely that forthcoming measures against Father Rupnik will go towards the only sanction proportionate to the crimes committed by the Jesuit: dismissal from the clerical state. Yet, the code of Canon Law is clear.


The great escape, Catholics flee the only true church

The great escape, Catholics flee the only true church

There is a dramatic crisis of faith, regretfully also fuelled by the leadership of the Church, which is driving many of the faithful to give in to the temptation of following other paths, from Orthodoxy to sedevacantism to the Lefebvrian communities.  But there is nothing Catholic about these positions, this is why.

Catholic priest arrested, pro-life prayer becomes a crime in England

Catholic priest arrested, pro-life prayer becomes a crime in England

Even a Catholic priest has been arrested in front of a Birmingham abortion clinic, meanwhile the case of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce remains unresolved. And the law that criminalises praying near an abortion facility is close to passing, violating the right to freedom of expression and religious freedom.

Montagnier, the prophetic scientist who warned against covid vaccines

Montagnier, the prophetic scientist who warned against covid vaccines

One year ago Luc Montagnier, one of the greatest virologists of the 20th century, died. He discovered the HIV virus and won the Nobel Prize for his work. He was humiliated however and marginalised for his criticism of the pandemic management and the vaccination campaign. Today, his words seem prophetic and he has left a considerable intellectual legacy to treasure.

Synod rehearsals in the name of “forbidden to forbid”

Synod rehearsals in the name of “forbidden to forbid”

Overcoming divisions and oppositions in the Church by creating a space where everyone can find their place. This is the approach that is being insistently proposed in preparation for the Synod, as demonstrated by the recent conference in Bologna by Father Timothy Radcliffe, the pro-LGBT Dominican called to preach the opening spiritual exercises. But it is also the position closest to the portrait of the Antichrist sketched by Vladimir Solov'ev.

Cardinal Sarah: «Nobody can forbid the celebration of the Eucharist»

Cardinal Sarah: «Nobody can forbid the celebration of the Eucharist»

Moral scandals and doctrinal confusion. How can an ordinary Catholic avoid being discouraged yet still faithfully follow the Church? In his book - Catechism of the Spiritual Life - Cardinal Robert Sarah indicates an itinerary of conversion through the sacraments as the way to build a strong relationship with God and serve a Church in a crisis of faith. The Eucharist, without which a Christian cannot live, is central to experiencing Christ.

From Davos to New York: the good, the bad and the ugly

From Davos to New York: the good, the bad and the ugly

World 01_02_2023 John Rao

Compulsory vaccination - flu, Covid and sexually transmitted diseases - for everyone, but the main focus targets minors, bypassing parental consent. At the same time lockdown dealt the coup de grace to the small entrepreneurial and commercial activities that kept the different communities together. This is how the plans of the Davos elites become law in New York.

The rise of Hitler 90 years ago and the price paid by Catholics

The rise of Hitler 90 years ago and the price paid by Catholics

90 years have passed since Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor. From the start, the German Catholic Church foresaw the danger of National Socialism and then paid a very high price for its resistance: 310 German priests interned in concentration camps, 65 died during imprisonment, 36 executed or murdered, 790 arrested, 1510 fined, 6593 interrogated, to mention some. Numbers that conflict with today's German Catholic Church, amenable to the what the world wants and even more eager to conform to it.

Vaccines and tumours: repentant oncologist raises alarm

Vaccines and tumours: repentant oncologist raises alarm

British professor Angus Dalgleish, luminary in the field of oncology and once an avid supporter of the development of anti-covid vaccines, has changed his mind about their efficacy. Faced with the evidence of the side effects and with great intellectual honesty, he denounces the resurgence of tumours and calls for all vaccine programmes to be suspended.