Saint John Paul II by Ermes Dovico

Pope and migrants, best intentions but incorrect judgements

Pope and migrants, best intentions but incorrect judgements

Wednesday's vibrant catechesis on the drama of the migrants made a lot of noise. But the touching appeal to take on the suffering of so many people was unfortunately counterbalanced by a series of excommunicationsand political judgments based on ideological visions and deficient information. 

The ecclesiastical circumscription, an idea for the Ancient Rite

The ecclesiastical circumscription, an idea for the Ancient Rite

The founder of the St Vincent Ferrer Fraternity, Father de Blignières, proposes an ecclesiastical circumscription for the Ancient Rite. A concrete proposal, after Traditionis custodes, to respond to the need of many faithful who want to remain in communion with the Pope.

China-Vatican, rewrites history to legitimise secret agreement

China-Vatican, rewrites history to legitimise secret agreement

Many Chinese speakers, video-message by the Pope and speech by the Vatican Secretary of State, Card. Parolin: the Shanghai Council of 1924 commemorated with two conferences, one in Milan another in Rome, to promote "the spirit" of the secret agreement on the appointment of bishops. Forcing history on the backs of Chinese Catholics.

Seewald: Francis wants to erase Benedict XVI's legacy

Seewald: Francis wants to erase Benedict XVI's legacy

Gay couples, Latin Mass, sexual abuse, purging of the men most closely associated with Benedict, the appointment of Fernández: Pope Francis has done everything he could to destroy what his predecessor had built. One year after the death of Benedict XVI, his biographer and friend Peter Seewald speaks out.

'Yes to blessing gay couples'. Pope accelerates the revolution
Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith

'Yes to blessing gay couples'. Pope accelerates the revolution

With the declaration Fiducia supplicans Card. Fernández (Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith) sanctions the blessing of any form of union. As long as no rituals take place and they are not confused with marriage, appearance is safe, doctrine is not.

The Pope: "Away with Cardinal Burke's house and salary".

The Pope: "Away with Cardinal Burke's house and salary".

Vatican sources close to the Daily Compass: Burke was defined as an "enemy" in an announcement made to the Heads of Dicasteries of the Roman Curia. The cardinal has not yet received a formal notice, but considering precedents, it is unlikely to be just a threat, which nonetheless would be very serious.

Anti-abortion and libertarian, Milei is a paradox

Anti-abortion and libertarian, Milei is a paradox

Milei is a paradoxical outsider in the Argentine political scene: his idea of anarcho-libertarian capitalism was condemned by Rerum Novarum. He rejects social justice by disqualifying his compatriot Pope Francis. But unlike a Church today embalmed in the progressive political scheme, he has spoken out clearly against abortion.

Synod dogma makes revolutionary Conclave reform credible

Synod dogma makes revolutionary Conclave reform credible

There’s been leaks about the Pope's intention to revolutionise the election - and the electors - of his successor, in ways inspired by the Synod pathway. And with signals that speak louder than denials.

Rupnik the vagabond finds home in Slovenian diocese

Rupnik the vagabond finds home in Slovenian diocese

The former Jesuit is looking forward to his incardination in the Diocese of Koper soon, with the Nuncio's blessing. Moreover, no sentence hangs over his head, despite having committed repeated spiritual and sexual abuses. So, to the great relief of the protagonist and the Jesuits, freed of the hot potato, everything is "resolved".

Laudate Deum, catastrophism replaces Catholic faith

Laudate Deum, catastrophism replaces Catholic faith

The Apostolic Exhortation published on 4 October converts the thesis of man-made global warming into dogma just as the Pope questions fundamental truths of the Church.

Confusion: Vatican smokescreen for Synod

Confusion: Vatican smokescreen for Synod

Synod, answers (or presumed answers) to the Dubia, Apostolic Exhortation on climate change: so many important events presented simultaneously to halt in-depth debate and assessments. And in the meantime a forthcoming open clash threatens the Synod.

Pope’s answers to dubia: paradigm of confusion

Pope’s answers to dubia: paradigm of confusion

From the blessing of homosexual couples to the penitent's repentance: as with the first dubium, also in the answers to the other four dubia by the five cardinals, the Pope does not clarify. First he says one thing and then another.
- Francis raises more doubts than the Dubia