Saint Polycarp by Ermes Dovico


The ecclesiastical circumscription, an idea for the Ancient Rite

The ecclesiastical circumscription, an idea for the Ancient Rite

The founder of the St Vincent Ferrer Fraternity, Father de Blignières, proposes an ecclesiastical circumscription for the Ancient Rite. A concrete proposal, after Traditionis custodes, to respond to the need of many faithful who want to remain in communion with the Pope.

Rupnik's works discourages worship, “it’s not sacred art”

Rupnik's works discourages worship, “it’s not sacred art”

On the debate started in Lourdes about Rupnik's works, which questions all the faithful, the Daily Compass interviewed Fr Nicola Bux: “The situation of sacred art has contributed to secularisation and the loss of faith. And Rupnik positioned himself in this void. The commissioning bishops should ask themselves whether the faithful, looking at Rupnik's art, are inspired to pray or rather to dance around the golden calf, which is ourselves”.

Communion in the hand: a Protestant attack on the priesthood

Communion in the hand: a Protestant attack on the priesthood

The practice of receiving communion in the hand, which was “neutral” in the Patristic age, was adopted by the Protestant reformers with a clear doctrinal connotation. According to Martin Bucer, who promoted the Anglican “reform” in the 16th century, the practice of not giving communion on the hand is owed to a Protestant rejection of two Catholic “superstitions” – the “false honor” that is claimed to be attributed to this Sacrament and the “perverse belief” that the hands of the ministers are more holy than the hands of the laity as a result of the anointing they receive in the rite of ordination. From this moment on, the act of receiving Communion on the hand has a markedly polemical significance which attacks the Real Presence and the priesthood.