Ash Wednesday by Ermes Dovico

Green pass

Green pass: a matter of idolatry not vaccination

Green pass: a matter of idolatry not vaccination

As restrictions escalate, so does the number of ordinary people who understand that what is at stake is not the freedom to go to the pub or the restaurant, nor even vaccination freedom: it is the freedom to exist as human beings worthy of the name, without kowtowing to Leviathan. It is a question of deciding who we want to worship, God or the dragon. Revelation comes to our aid.

The Church raises a wall against non-vaccinated persons

The Church raises a wall against non-vaccinated persons

Access to Masses celebrated by the Pope in Slovakia is prohibited to those who are not vaccinated. And in Italy, the bishop’s daily newspaper launches a crusade against those who oppose mandatory vaccination. Fully espousing the pro-vaccination cause and the adoption of the Green pass, the Church of mercy that advocates tearing down all walls,  is building one around the Mass.