Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico

Saint of the day

Saint Macarius the Great

Saint Macarius the Great

Monks used to call him the "Lamp of the Desert" not only because of his virtues but because his face shone in the dark. Monikers apart, Saint Macarius the Great (c. 300-390), a disciple of Saint Anthony the Abbot, was certainly among the Egyptian Fathers who most contributed to the spread of monasticism.

Saint Margaret of Hungary

Saint Margaret of Hungary

Saint Margaret came from an extraordinary family. Her aunt was the famous Saint Elizabeth († 1231), sister of Béla IV of Hungary, Margaret's father (1242-1271). Blessed Yolanda and Saint Kinga of Poland were her elder sisters, while her mother was Maria Laskarina, daughter of the Byzantine emperor Theodore I Laskaris.

Saint Anthony the Abbot

Saint Anthony the Abbot

A sure help for spiritual combat are the teachings of Anthony the Abbot (251-356), a great saint who, despite endeavouring to live a secluded life, actually became the founder of Christian monasticism, the first Desert Father around whom groups of monks gathered to consecrate themselves to God.

Franciscan proto-martyrs

Franciscan proto-martyrs

Saint Francis had sent them to announce the Gospel to Muslims in Spain and Morocco. The friars Berard, Otho, Peter, Accursius and Adjutus received the blessing from Francis on the day of Pentecost and started their journey towards Spain, when the actual Reconquista was still far away (it took place only in 1492).

Saint Maurus

Saint Maurus

Together with Saint Placidus, he was the most famous disciple of Saint Benedict of Nursia (480-547). Most of the information about Saint Maurus is found in the biography of the great monk and patron of Europe as told in the second book of Dialogues by Pope Gregory the Great (540-604).

Saint Felix of Nola

Saint Felix of Nola

Felix († 14 January, after 250) was born in Nola to a wealthy Syrian who was there on business. After the death of his father, he sold most of his assets and distributed the proceeds to the poor, consecrated himself to Christ as a priest and became a collaborator of Bishop Maximus.

Saint Hilary of Poitiers

Saint Hilary of Poitiers

He was called the Athanasius of the West because, similarly to the great Bishop of Alexandria of Egypt, Saint Hilary of Poitiers (ca. 310-367) dedicated his whole religious life to the defence of Christ true God and true man.

Saint Margaret Bourgeoys

Saint Margaret Bourgeoys

The story of Marguerite Bourgeoys (1620-1700) is a cross-section of the Catholic hallmark (nowadays repudiated by secularism) that the missionaries left behind them in Canada and in particular in the Quebec region, where the saint carried out her apostolate.

Saint Hyginus

Saint Hyginus

Saint Hyginus, the ninth pope, was elected in 138 after the death of Saint Telesphorus, who, according to Saint Irenaeus of Lyons (130-202), suffered a "glorious martyrdom".

Saint Gregory of Nyssa

Saint Gregory of Nyssa

Together with his brother Basil the Great and his friend Gregory of Nazianzus, Saint Gregory Nyssen (c. 335-395) is one of the group of Cappadocian Fathers, united by their common geographical origin and, above all, by their theological and philosophical significance.

The Baptism of Jesus

The Baptism of Jesus

"It is I who need baptism from you, and yet you come to me!". Even John the Baptist, called to prepare the way for the Lord by preaching conversion through baptism, was unable to penetrate the divine mystery of the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan.

Saint Severinus Abbot

Saint Severinus Abbot

In almost thirty years of mission in Noricum, Severinus founded churches and monasteries, and by his preaching he induced many souls to abandon paganism worship and convert to Christianity