Saint of the day

Saint Gilbert of Sempringham

Saint Gilbert of Sempringham

He was the founder of the only religious order that was entirely English

Saint Blaise

Saint Blaise

The Saint famous for the protection of the throat was bishop of Sebaste, where he suffered martyrdom in 316 under Licinius

Presentation of the Lord

Presentation of the Lord

The feast of the Presentation of the Lord concludes the Christmas celebrations by recalling that, 40 days after His birth, Jesus was taken to the temple by Mary and Joseph.

Saint Brigid of Ireland

Saint Brigid of Ireland

According to three ancient biographies, Brigid's mother was a Christian Pict slave named Brocca, who had been baptised by Saint Patrick; her father was a pagan chieftain, whose name was Dubthach.

Saint John Bosco

Saint John Bosco

He was a pedagogue, a writer, a publisher, a saint endowed with countless mystical gifts

Saint Hyacintha Marescotti

Saint Hyacintha Marescotti

She lived for a long time ignoring her solemn vows, but eventually had a change of heart and took refuge in the comfort of God

Saint Constantius

Saint Constantius

Saint Constantius, revered as the first bishop of Perugia, was martyred in the 2nd century, either under Marcus Aurelius (in office from 161 to 180) or during the persecutions of his predecessor Antoninus Pius.

Saint Thomas Aquinas

Saint Thomas Aquinas

"Although the truth of the Christian faith exceeds the capacity of reason, nevertheless the natural principles of reason cannot be in contrast with this truth", taught Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), the Doctor Angelicus

Saint Angela Merici

Saint Angela Merici

The founder of the Ursulines consecrated her life to educating girls to follow the ways of God. In the Rule, she wrote her prayer to the Lord that her will may conform to His will

Saints Timothy and Titus

Saints Timothy and Titus

The Church commemorates on the same day the holy Bishops Timothy and Titus, favourite disciples of Saint Paul and recipients of three "pastoral" letters

Conversion of Saint Paul

Conversion of Saint Paul

The feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul reminds us of the fruits produced by the acceptance of grace, capable of radically transforming one of the most active persecutors of the early Church into the greatest announcer of the Gospel to the Gentiles.

Saint Francis de Sales

Saint Francis de Sales

An inspired writer, preacher, spiritual guide for several saints, Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622) combined gentleness with an enthusiasm for truth, as Pius XI recalled in the encyclical Rerum Omnium Perturbationem of 1923, for the benefit of "those Catholics who as journalists and writers expound, spread, and defend the doctrines of the Church."