Saint of the day

Our Lady of the Pillar

Our Lady of the Pillar

The Blessed Virgin appeared to the Apostle James during her earthly life on the night of 2 January 40. James was praying on the banks of the river Ebro and pleading for Mary's intercession for the success of evangelisation in Spain.

Saint John XXIII

Saint John XXIII

He grew up with great devotion to the Blessed Virgin, also thanks to his closeness to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Woods, which he called “the smile of my childhood, the safekeeping and encouragement of my priestly vocation”.

Saint Daniel Comboni

Saint Daniel Comboni

He was trained at the school of Don Nicola Mazza, who had passed on to him his love for the Black Continent together with the idea of “saving Africa with Africa”, the true heart of his project

Saint John Henry Newman

Saint John Henry Newman

His liturgical memorial is celebrated today for a very special reason...

Saint Felix of Como

Saint Felix of Como

He was the first bishop of Como, consecrated by Saint Ambrose

Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary

Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary

The Rosary experienced an extraordinary surge in the 13th century thanks to the Dominicans. The Fatima apparitions then raised awareness of the importance of the Rosary in God's saving plan as a weapon against Satan

Saint Bruno

Saint Bruno

The founder of the Carthusian Order lived for a while in Molesme under the guidance of St Robert, but then he left in search of a more solitary place...

Saint Mary Faustina Kowalska

Saint Mary Faustina Kowalska

“Your great trust in Me compels Me to grant you continuous graces”, she heard Jesus say. He called her “Secretary of My Mercy”

Saint Francis of Assisi

Saint Francis of Assisi

He was a radical witness to the Gospel, to the love of God in the first place

Saint Dionysius the Areopagite

Saint Dionysius the Areopagite

The Acts of the Apostles mention Dionysius in the famous passage on Paul's speech at the Areopagus

Holy Guardian Angels

Holy Guardian Angels

Speaking of the help of angels, the Catechism affirms a comforting truth: “From its beginning until the hour of death, human life is surrounded by their protection and intercession” (CCC 336).

Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus

Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus

Under the pontificate of St John Paul II she became the youngest among the Doctors of the Church.