Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico


What is really dear to your heart?

And all those who touched him were cured. (Mc 6, 56)

Gospel Pearls 07_02_2022

Having made the crossing, Jesus and his disciples came to land at Gennesaret and tied up. No sooner had they stepped out of the boat than people recognised him, and started hurrying all through the countryside and brought the sick on stretchers to wherever they heard he was. And wherever he went, to village, or town, or farm, they laid down the sick in the open spaces, begging him to let them touch even the fringe of his cloak. And all those who touched him were cured. (Mc 6, 53-56)

Jesus healed those who managed to touch Him. Even just the hem of His cloak was sufficient. The importance of having physical contact with Jesus tells us that Faith also needs to touch. To satisfy our desire, Jesus instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist so that we can meet Him physically. Among other things, this Sacrament of the sacraments allows an ever greater number of disciples and faithful, not only to encounter Jesus, but also to have Him live within them thanks to the sacrament of Communion. What immense benefit this is for our soul! Do you really care about your soul or do you care more about  your physical health?