Unexpected upheaval

You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. (John 16: 20)

Gospel Pearls 21_05_2020

Jesus went on to say, “In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me.” At this, some of his disciples said to one another, “What does he mean by saying, ‘In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me,’ and ‘Because I am going to the Father’?” They kept asking, “What does he mean by ‘a little while’? We don’t understand what he is saying.” Jesus saw that they wanted to ask him about this, so he said to them, “Are you asking one another what I meant when I said, ‘In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me’? Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. (John 16:  16-20)

Jesus tells His apostles that the coming of the Holy Spirit will upheave their lives. Those who were first saddened by His death, rejoice in the Holy Spirit’s consolation, as seen in the courage the apostles showed following Pentecost. They began to preach and pay witness to Jesus’s teaching. May we be mindful that even our sadness will one day be transformed into joy. May we never stop trusting in Jesus, with our small and big problems.