Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico


The most important gift

The man believed what Jesus had said and started on his way (John 4, 50)

Gospel Pearls 28_03_2022

Jesus left Samaria for Galilee. He himself had declared that there is no respect for a prophet in his own country, but on his arrival the Galileans received him well, having seen all that he had done at Jerusalem during the festival which they too had attended. He went again to Cana in Galilee, where he had changed the water into wine. Now there was a court official there whose son was ill at Capernaum and, hearing that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judaea, he went and asked him to come and cure his son as he was at the point of death. Jesus said, ‘So you will not believe unless you see signs and portents!’ ‘Sir,’ answered the official ‘come down before my child dies.’ ‘Go home,’ said Jesus ‘your son will live.’ The man believed what Jesus had said and started on his way; and while he was still on the journey back his servants met him with the news that his boy was alive. He asked them when the boy had begun to recover. ‘The fever left him yesterday’ they said ‘at the seventh hour.’ The father realised that this was exactly the time when Jesus had said, ‘Your son will live’; and he and all his household believed.This was the second sign given by Jesus, on his return from Judaea to Galilee. (John 4, 43-54)

Jesus works miracles as proof of His divinity and to reinforce His teachings. In fact, the ultimate purpose of these gifts is not the achievement of what was asked of Jesus, but the faith of those who saw the miracle and of those who would hear about it. Therefore, faith obedient to Jesus’ will, "Acts", even before being rewarded by seeing the healing take place. Like all people, the afflicted father and the healed son will later be subjected to suffering and earthly death, but faith in Jesus will continue to be the most important gift received from Jesus. Do you ask the Lord in prayer to increase your faith?