Saint Agatha by Ermes Dovico

Planned parenthood

Trafficking in aborted foetuses, Open's wacky fact-checking debunked

Trafficking in aborted foetuses, Open's wacky fact-checking debunked

Open, in agreement with Meta, brands the recent Nuova Bussola/Daily Compass article on videos showing the trafficking of aborted baby parts as fake news: videos which were also covered up by Kamala Harris. But the tendentious fact-checking fails on every account to refute the information written in our article.

Trafficking of aborted foetuses, finally online videos Kamala Harris cached

Trafficking of aborted foetuses, finally online videos Kamala Harris cached

Five videos shot undercover that demonstrate Planned Parenthood's lucrative trade in the organs of aborted babies. The footages seized in 2016 by Kamala Harris, then California Attorney General, are now public thanks to a congressional investigation. But mainstream media is keeping the news quiet.

How Biden takes orders from Planned Parenthood

How Biden takes orders from Planned Parenthood

Vice President Harris received a group of abortionists at the White House, declaring that abortion is a ‘non-negotiable' right. On the same day, 16 September, the Federalist published a paper showing how Biden is breaking the rules in order to reward Planned Parenthood & Co. and redirect taxpayers' money to them.