Saint Macarius of Jerusalem by Ermes Dovico


Medjugorje, the necessary novena for peace
The event

Medjugorje, the necessary novena for peace

In view of the 43rd anniversary of the beginning of the Medjugorje apparitions, which are still unrecognised, Our Lady asked through the visionary Marija for a special novena for peace, to be experienced by ascending Podbrdo. This is the first time this has happened. An appeal that says so much about the times we live in.

The power of fasting, a weapon to rediscover

The power of fasting, a weapon to rediscover

Fasting is necessary in spiritual combat, as the Scriptures, the Church, and the example of the saints teach. Yet today it is more neglected than ever. Its practice, in union with Jesus, has not only a personal value, but affects the plan of salvation.

Medjugorje, another world is possible

Medjugorje, another world is possible

The impressive and universal witness of faith experienced last Friday, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the first apparition of Medjugorje, in one stroke swept away endless disquisitions on masks and social distancing. After months of being deserted due to free movement restrictions, long queues were seen again at the confessionals. At Medjugorje one lives in another dimension, where “the Lord’s glory” is “seen upon you”, while elsewhere a “deep darkness covers the people”. From here one can set out to strengthen the mission in the world.

“I was the first journalist to cover Medjugorje”

“I was the first journalist to cover Medjugorje”

The first news of extraordinary events in a small village in Herzegovina unknown even to maps; the reactions of the Communist regime; the arrest of the parish priest; the testimony of a flash of light that appeared in the sky. We publish some excerpts from the chapter dedicated to Medjugorje in the book “Verità e beffe del secolo passato” [(“Truth and Mockery of the Past Century”), Marcianum Press]. It’s the autobiography of Graziano Motta, our Middle East specialist. At the time, Motta was ANSA’s correspondent from Belgrade and was the first Italian journalist to report on the events of Medjugorje.