Saint Hugh of Grenoble by Ermes Dovico

Gay marriage

Cardinal Eijk:  stop Flemish bishops from blessing gay couples

Cardinal Eijk: stop Flemish bishops from blessing gay couples

The declaration of the Flemish Belgian bishops with their ad hoc liturgy for gay couples contradicts the Churchs teaching on homosexuality and a recent Vatican declaration. It’s necessary for the competent authorities to intervene now so the document is withdrawn and the Belgian bishops to obey. Cardinal Eijk  Archbishop of Utrecht speaks out.

Civil unions "contrary to the common good". Signed Benedict

Civil unions "contrary to the common good". Signed Benedict

In his latest article - published in the collection “The True Europe. Identity and Mission”, with an introduction by Pope Francis - Ratzinger underlines the gravity of the legal approval of homosexual unions, which produces consequences "contrary to the common good". Laws to this effect clear the way for a concept that debases the dignity of man, reducing him to a "product", and is therefore against "the ecology of man", created in the image and likeness of God, and therefore sacrosanct. This text by the Pope Emeritus recalls the truth always taught by the Church, but forgotten in Bergoglio's recent in-flight press conference on his return from Slovakia.