Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico


Pink quotas

Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation (Mark 16, 15)

Gospel Pearls 23_04_2022

Having risen in the morning on the first day of the week, Jesus appeared first to Mary of Magdala from whom he had cast out seven devils. She then went to those who had been his companions, and who were mourning and in tears, and told them. But they did not believe her when they heard her say that he was alive and that she had seen him. After this, he showed himself under another form to two of them as they were on their way into the country. These went back and told the others, who did not believe them either. Lastly, he showed himself to the Eleven themselves while they were at table. He reproached them for their incredulity and obstinacy, because they had refused to believe those who had seen him after he had risen. And he said to them, ‘Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation.’ (Mark 16, 9-15)

In Jesus' time, a woman's testimony in court was worth half of a man’s. Yet, Jesus chooses a woman to be the first witness of the resurrection and certainly not out of respect for pink quotas. What happened? Maria Magdalene was not believed,  the apostles did not even believe the two disciples of Emmaus, even though they were men. No doubt the painful disappointment at the death of their beloved teacher influenced these initial hesitations. But be careful not to make the same mistake they did. Trust those who lead you to Jesus by word and example.