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Biden is irritating  Moscow and damaging Europe
War of nerves and words

Biden is irritating Moscow and damaging Europe

Biden has made too many inappropriate affirmations regarding Putin for them to be attributed exclusively to his lack of diplomacy: it seems their objective is to purposely irritate Moscow, distancing the moment of possible negotiations and therefore risking the acceleration of a potential conflict which threatens to involve Europe. Once again, the divergence of interests which separates the USA from Europe is emerging, together with the revelation of the mediocrity of the EU governing class, apparently willing to permit itself to be placed under outside management.

The people, the Pope, and Mary: the consecration rejoins together heaven and earth

The people, the Pope, and Mary: the consecration rejoins together heaven and earth

With last Friday’s solemn Act of Consecration, after an intense penitential liturgy in which the Holy Father asked God's forgiveness in the name of all, there was a "rejoining" of Heaven and earth. The Church, the world, Russia, and Ukraine are now the property of Mary, who approaches the throne of God as our Advocate. The Act performed yesterday - the Consecration, the Communion with the bishops, the historical reasons - matches the modalities requested by Our Lady. And it is from this objective fact, with the invitation to return to God, that we must start again.

The only painting signed by Cecco, Caravaggio's model

The only painting signed by Cecco, Caravaggio's model

Francesco Boneri, known as Cecco del Caravaggio, was the master's apprentice, but also his servant and model. Few people know his name, but everyone knows his face. He is the Saint John the Baptist, the Saint Matthew, and the face of many other protagonists of the genius' paintings. But he was also a painter. With only one signed painting: an Expulsion of the Merchants from the Temple, which is worth a visit to Berlin.


Capon salad

Capon salad

Culture 28_03_2022

The virtue of hope

The virtue of hope

A virtue is called theological because God is the object to which it adheres. The object of Hope is eternal happiness, to which all other things are ordered. Faith precedes hope, and hope precedes charity, but it is by charity that faith is brought to perfection.

The palliative Church

The palliative Church

If the palliative society in which we live is one that intends to eliminate pain and thus anaesthetise citizens, the palliative Church dominant today is a Church that pacifies consciences, that abolishes the term sin. It is a Church obliged to get along with the world. As we have seen in these two years of pandemic.

EU condemns Russia but buys its gas

EU condemns Russia but buys its gas

While Russian military operations in Ukraine are proceeding, Mariupol is about to fall, and pressure is high across the east of the country, the flow of gas to Europe is steady and orders are even increasing. The EU countries are engaged in economic warfare against Russian aggression, but they continue to buy gas from Moscow and expose themselves to economic reprisals.

Convent shut down after nuns refuse covid vaccine

Convent shut down after nuns refuse covid vaccine

The Benedictine Monastery of Santa Caterina in Perugia is being shut down. In February they received an unexpected Apostolic Visit, which has now been followed by the transferal of 5 nuns. The motive?  “The visitor found all aspects of our monastery in order, with the exception of the fact that we have not been vaccinated,” stated the Mother Superior, Mother Caterina to the Daily Compass, as she confirmed the truth behind the indiscretions circulating in the ether. “I was informed of the impromptu visit by Bishop Bassetti, who was, however, unaware of the motivations behind such sudden interest. The decree underlines what is stated as my inappropriate behaviour: should I have obliged my Sisters to perform an act against their will, risking denunciation?”

Francis’ reform: evangelisation before doctrine

Francis’ reform: evangelisation before doctrine

With the new Apostolic Constitution “Praedicate Evangelium”, Francis intends to alter the Roman Curia, diminishing the importance both of the role of Secretary of State and the function of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (which will be re-entitled as a Dicastery), and will delegate to himself the control of the new Dicastery of Evangelisation, which will precede all others in order of importance. However, to consider evangelisation as a precedent to doctrine, not necessarily connected to it in any fundamental way, represents a serious problem.

The Wedding at Cana, Veronese’s masterpiece

The Wedding at Cana, Veronese’s masterpiece

Paolo Caliari, known as Veronese, is famous among other things for his illusionistic decorations and his portraits. But his most famous work remains The Wedding at Cana, a gigantic canvas – with a history of setbacks – in which he depicts the episode of the first miracle in the public life of Jesus.


Boiled meat with pearà sauce

Boiled meat with pearà sauce

Culture 21_03_2022

Abide by God

Abide by God

For Israel and the Church, the recognition of the one and only true God depends on a very specific historical event, the Exodus. As Christians we have experienced that only Christ can free us from sin. Loving God above all else is the just response to God's love, and means living according to both the theological virtues (faith, hope, charity) and religious virtues (adoration, prayer, sacrifice, vows and promises).