Saint Apollonia by Ermes Dovico

Pope at Clinton Foundation which campaigns for abortion

A few months after Pope Francis met with former President Bill Clinton and Alex Soros (George's heir), in a private audience, a newly released video message consolidates the relationship between the pope and the former president. Notably, however, Clinton and Soros are the major sponsors of abortion in the world.

Life and Bioethics 25_09_2023 Italiano

One of Pope Francis' most surprising initiatives for evangelisation has to be the one that involved the "lords of the world": former American President Bill Clinton and Alex Soros, the young and extremist scion who inherited the empire of the Open Society Foundations. It's a pity, despite the nods and smiles, that two promoters of LGBTI ideological colonisation, of every abortionist, eugenic and Malthusian practice, pursue their inhuman practices with ever greater vehemence. This doesn’t mean the Vatican's good faith is in question, but the 'colourful circles' around the Holy Father necessarily should be faithful servants of the Church, not of Mammon. And the proof of this approach is the recent initiatives to impose abortion in African countries by the much celebrated Clinton Foundation.

As mentioned, last July 5, former President Bill Clinton and Alex Soros met Pope Francis during a private audience in the papal residence of Casa Santa Marta. But, the organisers of the meeting, close collaborators of Pope Francis, are obviously aware that Soros' Open Society has made important financial contributions to legalise abortion in traditionally Catholic countries such as Ireland, Poland and Mexico and has always supported efforts in the United States. The Clinton, Obama and Biden administrations not only promoted abortion and LGBTI ideology in the USA, but also throughout the world.

Bill Clinton had previously visited the Vatican in August 1993 to meet Pope John Paul II. The meeting served to also reiterate the unbridgeable distance between the two on abortion. The Los Angeles Times headline at the time stated that «Abortion aside, Clinton and Pope 'share values'. The Pontiff urges America to 'defend life'... the first meeting between the leaders is warm and wide-ranging." Obviously, the Vatican and all Popes talk to everyone, it would be wrong to refuse an opportunity to present the good will of the Church and her desire for peace. A first difference between the meeting that took place 10 years ago with Pope John Paul II, is therefore the absolute confidentiality of the conversation and the absolute lack of any reference to the dignity of the human person from conception, the opposition to abortion and neocolonialism of which Clinton and his Foundation are among the main contemporary protagonists.

Obviously, that doesn’t exclude, giving the benefit of the doubt, that Pope Francis was able to firmly reiterate the Catholic certainties on all these issues during the meeting with Clinton and Soros. But, while the outcome of the meeting with Soros, for now, is not known, other than that the tycoon is handsomely promoting the Democrat’s any possible intervention against pro-life Americans and the Republicans in the USA, as well as acting to favour the victories of the pro-abortion oppositions in Poland, the LGBTI lobbies and the political oppositions in Hungary and once again influencing the next European Parliament and the next Commission, the relationship between the Pope and Clinton was consolidated.

Pope Francis, speaking via video link for the opening of the Clinton Global Initiative, the annual conference for donors of the Clinton Foundation in which programs and successes are presented, which took place last September 18 and 19 in New York, recalled above all that children and the climate must be protected. The Holy Father, Vatican News recalls, «underlined the need to leave no one behind, especially vulnerable children... he lamented the 'globalisation of indifference'... Pope Francis went on to thank US former President Bill Clinton for acknowledging pressing issues like climate change, humanitarian crises, and the threat of war." The Holy Father also highlighted the work of the Bambino Gesù Paediatric Hospital near the Vatican, involved in a series of initiatives in the USA and in various Latin American countries, whose 'patrons' (Patrons of Bambino Gesù Paediatric Hospital) have brought these needs for help to the participants in the Clinton Global Initiative 2023. Therefore, the papal intervention supported the Bambino Gesù hospital and its superb and effective care initiatives for sick children and to support the care of the environment.

The real response to the Holy Father's concerns was very clear: in all the sessions of the two-day Clinton Foundation conference there was not one session dedicated to the care of newborn babies, many sessions instead, under the umbrella of the mantra "women's rights are human rights", reiterated the absolute right to abortion and abortive contraception. Perhaps the Bambino Gesù Paediatric Hospital will receive donations to finance its projects, certainly every vile coin is necessary, but perhaps other financiers could have been suggested to the Pope, less obsessed than Bill, Chelsea and Hillary Clinton are with abortion and LGBTI colonialism towards developing countries.

Perhaps donations will arrive for the Bambino Gesù projects, certainly every vile coin is necessary, but perhaps other financiers could have been suggested to the Pope, less obsessed than Bill, Chelsea and Hillary Clinton are with abortion and LGBTI colonialism towards developing countries. In this regard, it is certain that the advisors of the circle of Vatican Pravda, together with the circle of Jesuits and Argentinians continually appointed in the Vatican, are aware of how the Clinton Foundation, through the Clinton Health Access Initiative, finances the collaboration of various ministries of Health of African Governments and the abortionist Guttmacher Institute, to produce artfully developed investigations and studies that support the urgent need to introduce the liberalisation of abortion in African countries.

In addition to a disconcerting pilot study in Liberia, where liberalisation is being pushed, those in Ghana and Kenya report data on the incidence of abortions in Liberia and Kenya (229 and 300 per 1000 live births respectively) exceeding the proportion of the United States, which in 2020 was 198 per 1000 live births. We are in the theatre of the absurd, a theatre in which, in addition to the Clintons, someone in the Papal Vatican circles is at least complicit.


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Pope Francis equivocal fraternity meeting pleases UN not faithful

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