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73 million abortions per year are considered a ‘right’… UNFPA report

73 million abortions per year are considered a ‘right’… UNFPA report

According to a UN world population estimate, between the years 2015-2019 there were 73 million abortions per year. For the UNFPA, the ‘invisible’ problem is a question of undesired pregnancies. In reality, the only invisible element is the unborn baby within the womb, thanks to governmental systems, innumerous lobbies, the establishment media and pseudo-cultural gurus who attempt to brush off prenatal homicide as a ‘woman’s right’.

The Subject of Charity

The Subject of Charity

The basis upon which Charity resides is the Will, which tends towards God in the sense that God is the Supreme Good. It is found in humankind exclusively by the will of God, but in humankind there is also a receptivity towards it. Charity may increase within an individual: not by addition, but rather by its intensification within the subject. Venial sin neither destroys nor diminishes Charity, but it does predispose the sinner to its loss.

Cardinal Duka: Ratzinger, an example of faith rooted in truth

Cardinal Duka: Ratzinger, an example of faith rooted in truth

“In Germany, Cardinal Marx and Bishop Bätzing represent a current that wants to attack Ratzinger.”Sexual abuse is not a crime committed by the Church, they are crimes committed by people. These reports that go back 100 years are not a search to clean up, but a trial against the Church.” “Someone wants to use the abuses to change the teaching of the Church.” The Archbishop of Prague speaks out.

Le Pen v Macron: differences over non-negotiable principles

Le Pen v Macron: differences over non-negotiable principles

In view of the decisive vote on 24 April, the Association of Catholic Families of France compared the two presidential candidates. Le Pen's ideas only come close to the non-negotiable principles in a few cases, but on the whole (from her No to euthanasia and cannabis to her Yes to educational freedom) they are more reassuring than Macron's.

The unmerciful servant in a painting by Fetti

The unmerciful servant in a painting by Fetti

Among the 42 parables of the Gospels, one of the most interesting is that of the unmerciful servant, because it tells us about two different ways of using power. On the one hand divine grace, on the other an ungrateful man. The scene of the servant throtting one of his small debtors is depicted in all its intensity in a painting by Domenico Fetti, known as ‘il Mantovano’.




Culture 20_04_2022

Western leaders promote self-hatred of the West

Western leaders promote self-hatred of the West

When we speak of the Western world we mean the Christian civilisation that gave rise to it, with all the values that go with it: natural order, value of the person, sacredness of life. Self-hatred is represented by Third-Worldism, ecologism, indigenism, gender ideology, abortion. These are all disvalues promoted today by those who have usurped the title of the West. Which also suggests something about the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Easter, the most amazing news of all

Easter, the most amazing news of all

We do not follow Jesus because we like the Cross, or because we enjoy suffering. We do not do so simply out of self-abnegation or desire to obey the Commandments, but rather because Christ gives us what no publicity can. Only Christ Jesus keeps His promises: He saves, gives new life, completely purifies us of our sins, and provides a sense to the suffering of illness and death, because He has raised us to Eternal Life.

Sister Deidre wins case against Covid-19 vaccine mandate

Sister Deidre wins case against Covid-19 vaccine mandate

Sister Deidre Byrne (better known as Sister Dede to her patients), is the Religious Superior and former US Military Colonel who did not succumb to the government vaccine mandate. After a long legal battle, she has achieved her first victory. Here is what her responsibility teaches us.

Ukraine criticises Pope's Good Friday Way of the Cross

Ukraine criticises Pope's Good Friday Way of the Cross

The ambassador of Kiev has protested because during Good Friday’s Way of the Cross with the Pope at the Colosseum, a Russian and a Ukrainian woman will carry the Cross together. For the first time, the media is criticising Pope Francis. But it is a courageous choice because in the Cross lies the source of peace.

Document proves Becciu did not pay to frame Pell

Document proves Becciu did not pay to frame Pell

A document that has emerged from Australia and that The Daily Compass has been able to view proves that the money sent from the Vatican to Australia had nothing to do with the trial of Cardinal Pell. It was destined for a cyber security company for a contract relating to the management of some ".catholic" domains.

Leipziger Allerlei

Leipziger Allerlei

Culture 12_04_2022