Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico


We don’t know when it will be

Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning. (Luke 12: 35)

Gospel Pearls 19_10_2021

Jesus said to his disciples: “Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning, and be like men who are waiting for their master to come home from the wedding feast, so that they may open the door to him at once when he comes and knocks. Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes. Truly, I say to you, he will dress himself for service and have them recline at table, and he will come and serve them. If he comes in the second watch, or in the third, and finds them awake, blessed are those servants!” (Luke 12: 35-38)

Christians must always be ready to be held accountable to God for how they have used the blessings they've received from Him, each and every day of their lives. Have you used them well to bring yourself and your neighbour closer to God? This is why examining your conscience every evening becomes essential for improving yourself and being ready when the time comes for God to judge you.