Saint Casimir by Ermes Dovico


Contraception: Paglia reopens the front: “Change is possible”

Contraception: Paglia reopens the front: “Change is possible”

Could the doctrine on contraception be subject to change? For Monsignor Paglia, it needs to be considered,"the day will come when the Pope will do it". The PAV president's disconcerting interview with The Tablet refers to Civiltà Cattolica's hopes for an encyclical that would definitively surpass Humanae Vitae. It’s a concentration of pathetic responses, polls and dissent confusedly piled up and passed off as doctrine. And even the non-ideological pro-life neologism is invented.


Bishop Paglia’s summer coup demolishes the Institute for Family

Bishop Paglia’s summer coup demolishes the Institute for Family

With a summer coup Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia has succeeded in getting the statutes approved of the Giovanni Paolo II Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences which assign the control over what is taught and who teaches it, to himself. He now has the power to definitively distort the purpose of the institute desired by St. John Paul II, to purge unwanted teachers, and to reset teachings in line with Amoris Laetitia.


Bishop Paglia offends the parents of sick children

I am the mother of Mele, Emanuele Campostrini, a 9 year old boy suffering from a severe disability due to mitochondrial disease and mitochondrial DNA depletion. I am indignant after reading the statement of the Vatican Academy for Life president on Alflie Evans ruling.