Saint Casimir by Ermes Dovico

John paul ii

Veritatis Splendor, 30th anniversary of a forgotten encyclical

Veritatis Splendor, 30th anniversary of a forgotten encyclical

The Vatican media ignored the 30th anniversary of Veritatis Splendor, St John Paul II's encyclical that denounced the misrepresentations of Catholic morality on fundamental issues. As those misrepresentations have now become the rule in the Church, commemorating the encyclical becomes compromising.

The Eucharist: true Body born of the Virgin Mary

The Eucharist: true Body born of the Virgin Mary

"Ave verum Corpus natum de Maria Virgine" (Hail,  O true Body, born of the Virgin Mary). These are the words of the famous Eucharistic hymn that reminds us of the special bond that exists between the Son of God and His Mother Mary. As, Benedict XVI explained, Mary "was the living 'tabernacle' of the Eucharist." St. John Paul II recalled the inseparable union between the Incarnation and the Eucharistic mystery. Mary's "yes" guarantees that the Christian faith is not some vague spiritualism, because from her womb, the Body, the true Bread of Life, is born.


“How I diverted the shots against John Paul II”

“How I diverted the shots against John Paul II”

For the first time, after a thorough investigation, a magistrate affirms the plausibility of Sister Rita Montella’s statement that by supernatural intervention, in bilocation, together with Our Lady, she had diverted Ali Agca’s hand while he was shooting to kill John Paul II on May 13, 40 years ago. The Daily Compass has read a preview of the exceptional document.

Bishop Paglia’s summer coup demolishes the Institute for Family

Bishop Paglia’s summer coup demolishes the Institute for Family

With a summer coup Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia has succeeded in getting the statutes approved of the Giovanni Paolo II Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences which assign the control over what is taught and who teaches it, to himself. He now has the power to definitively distort the purpose of the institute desired by St. John Paul II, to purge unwanted teachers, and to reset teachings in line with Amoris Laetitia.