Saint Luigi Orione by Ermes Dovico

Amoris laetitia

The Pope: "Away with Cardinal Burke's house and salary".

The Pope: "Away with Cardinal Burke's house and salary".

Vatican sources close to the Daily Compass: Burke was defined as an "enemy" in an announcement made to the Heads of Dicasteries of the Roman Curia. The cardinal has not yet received a formal notice, but considering precedents, it is unlikely to be just a threat, which nonetheless would be very serious.

Pope Francis, ten years of turmoil and dismay

Pope Francis, ten years of turmoil and dismay

Movementist tactics, the primacy of praxis, pastoralism, moral relativism: processes that should have produced some new truths have actually scandalised, confused minds and hearts, and disarticulated ecclesial unity. And synodality, a new dogma, is the synthesis of a process in which the means count more than the end.

There is Schism within the Church: we are simply not permitted to acknowledge it

There is Schism within the Church: we are simply not permitted to acknowledge it

The German Synod has provided us with a pretext for returning to the discussion of the looming Schism within the Church, but over the past years, both the Magisterium and theology itself have evolved in such a manner that the confine between that which is true and immutable and that which is unacceptable, has been breached. The China-Vatican agreement, the alteration of the Catechism regarding the death penalty, the abolition of ‘intrinsic evil’ in Amoris Laetitia, are all three, decisive passages which threaten the intrinsic Truths upon which the Church was founded.