Saint Agatha by Ermes Dovico


God above all things

They left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him. (Mark 1: 20)

Gospel Pearls 24_01_2021

Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” And immediately they left their nets and followed him. And going on a little farther, he saw James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, who were in their boat mending the nets. And immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him. (Mark 1: 14-20)

Jesus is our Heavenly King. This grants authority to His teachings.  It makes Him the Master who teaches convincingly by way of His Word and His consistent life witness. The first disciples, including Simon, Andrew, James and John, therefore follow Jesus with faith, so much so that they put His call before even their most beloved affections. Are we ready to put His will before all our own personal concerns?