Pope francis

The dubia will bear fruit in due time

The dubia will bear fruit in due time

The dubia presented to the Pope are a perfectly legitimate initiative, which adequately corresponds to the faithful’s act of assent. It is not a question of putting the Pope in difficulty, but of turning to that office which belongs to him alone. And, they should not be considered in terms of immediate success.

The Pope's interviews guarantee fixed slogans and muddled minds

The Pope's interviews guarantee fixed slogans and muddled minds

"Stuck in the past", clericalism, inclusion of homosexuals and transsexuals, the ever-present ambiguities in Pope Francis’ customary scripts were also staged in his meeting with the Portuguese Jesuits.

God, not man will save the Church

God, not man will save the Church

When confronted with the drift of the Church, there is a temptation to find refuge. But in the hour of the Passion Jesus did not teach to rebel, but to pray and watch. That is why we remain in the Church, which is Christ's, even accepting to die with her.

Rupnik case closed, everyone’s happy except the victims

Rupnik case closed, everyone’s happy except the victims

The recent Letter to the Friends of the Aletti Centre reiterates the narrative that the accusations against the ex-Jesuit are nothing but slander. Discharged from the order he will be free to be incardinated wherever he wants. While the Holy See and the Jesuits have avoided opening Pandora's box.

Broaden reason: Benedict XVI’s legacy betrayed

Broaden reason: Benedict XVI’s legacy betrayed

Ratzinger repeatedly invited to ‘broaden’ reason, which victim of a secular process that from the 14th century to the present day, via Kant, has made it lose faith in its ability to know the objective and finalistic order of things. This invitation has not been taken up during the current pontificate: the path indicated by Francis is in fact post-metaphysical, i.e. Kantian.

Pope Francis, ten years of turmoil and dismay

Pope Francis, ten years of turmoil and dismay

Movementist tactics, the primacy of praxis, pastoralism, moral relativism: processes that should have produced some new truths have actually scandalised, confused minds and hearts, and disarticulated ecclesial unity. And synodality, a new dogma, is the synthesis of a process in which the means count more than the end.

Another victim surfaces in Rupnik scandal, Pope's blank mind

Another victim surfaces in Rupnik scandal, Pope's blank mind

While another shocking testimony of a nun-victim of Father Rupnik emerges, in an interview with the AP agency, Pope Francis washes his hands of the scandal. Allegedly, he knew nothing and never intervened; he defends the statute of limitations in this case because the abuses were not committed against minors or 'vulnerable adults'. An untenable line of defence, refuted by many circumstances.

Heretic bishop candidate for guardian of orthodoxy, risk of schism

Heretic bishop candidate for guardian of orthodoxy, risk of schism

Monsignor Heiner Wilmer is favoured to lead the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, despite evident contradictions to the magisterium. The fact the Pope even considers him lends support to the controversial “Synodale Weg”, of which Wilmer is a leading exponent, in thought and deed.

On abortion and gender, Benedict and Francis are irreconcilable

On abortion and gender, Benedict and Francis are irreconcilable

Monsignor Gänswein's memoir, which recalls Pope Ratzinger's notes on Pope Francis' statements on abortion, contraception and homosexuality, confirms the different doctrinal and pastoral perspective of the reigning Pope compared to the emeritus.

Pope and Nicaragua: when politics comes before faith

Pope and Nicaragua: when politics comes before faith

The words pronounced at yesterday’s Angelus by the Pope on the situation in Nicaragua, the first in four years of persecutions, are gravely inadequate and are consistent with the attitude held towards all communist regimes, not only South American. But the real problem is bending the Church's presence and intervention to political logic.

Pelosi’s Communion in the Vatican undermines US bishops

Pelosi’s Communion in the Vatican undermines US bishops

The Speaker of the House visited the Vatican and received Holy Communion during the papal Mass, in open defiance of Bishop Cordileone, who had personally forbidden her Communion for her open support of abortion.

Francis’ reform: evangelisation before doctrine

Francis’ reform: evangelisation before doctrine

With the new Apostolic Constitution “Praedicate Evangelium”, Francis intends to alter the Roman Curia, diminishing the importance both of the role of Secretary of State and the function of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (which will be re-entitled as a Dicastery), and will delegate to himself the control of the new Dicastery of Evangelisation, which will precede all others in order of importance. However, to consider evangelisation as a precedent to doctrine, not necessarily connected to it in any fundamental way, represents a serious problem.