Saint Casimir by Ermes Dovico

Cardinal muller

The German Church: «Marx is responsible for the failure»
Interview with Cardinal Müller

The German Church: «Marx is responsible for the failure»

On the same day that Cardinal Marx resigned from his position as Archbishop of Munich, Cardinal Gerhard L. Müller was interviewed on La Nuova Bussola Quotidiano weekly webcast. “This so-called synodal path has failed because it goes against divine law and Marx is responsible. Now, he wants to delegate to the pope, who is his friend, the task of solving the problems its caused. What’s more, “these bishops do not want a schism, they want to set themselves up as leaders of a nationalistic Church, convinced they are the future of the universal church. The pope has to do more for the unity of the faith, climate and migrants are important but secondary issues.” And on the subject of Covid, “it was a grave error to allow the state to dictate the line to take on the Sacraments and the Eucharist”.