Saint Scholastica by Ermes Dovico

Follow the faithful witnesses to the Church, support the Compass

In today's ecclesial confusion there are pastors with ambiguous teachings and others who are schismatics. That is why clarity is needed, valuing pastors who are faithful to the Church's two-thousand-year-old Magisterium. This is what Compass is doing, counting on your help.  DONATE NOW, it is safe and simple.

Fund Raising 27_06_2024 Italiano Español

The ecclesial chronicle of recent days has shown us the other side of ambiguous teaching on the part of certain pastors, teaching that contradicts the Church's bi-millennial Magisterium: hence the schismatic impulses that affect certain sectors of the Church, attracting many faithful who even in the beginning had good intentions.

The case of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and the decision to proceed with new episcopal ordinations by the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X (FSSPX, the so-called Lefebvrians) make us realise how great is the danger of the times we live in, a danger that involves the heart of the Church.

In a time of darkness such as the present, clarity is needed to persevere in the faith, which is a vital matter for every Catholic: "By your perseverance you will save your life" (Lk 21:19).

This is the path that some Pastors are showing us. How can we not give due prominence to the "lessons" of Cardinal Robert Sarah, tireless in re-proposing the truth about the Church and the world, or to the nine-month novena launched by Cardinal Raymond L. Burke to free the Church and the world from the current crises

The Compass follows and values these testimonies in judging the current times, of the Church and the world, and for this reason has also exclusively proposed the document 'The Vatican of tomorrow', a sketch for the next Pope written by an anonymous cardinal who signed himself Demos II.

With its contributors and experts, the Compass has now accredited itself as a competent voice to give voice to the Magisterium in its entirety; it accompanies its readers every day in the analysis of the news, maintaining free access to its website.

But all this obviously has a cost, which is why we launch two fundraising campaigns every year. Yes, because the Compass lives solely on the donations of its readers. We do not have - and do not want to have in order to guarantee our freedom - access to public, state or church funds.

It is you who read the Compass who decide whether this voice should still exist, whether persevering in the faith is a decisive issue, for you and for everyone. That is why we ask you to support us with a donation: every euro is precious to us and becomes an action in the service of the faith community. We count on having you (or continuing to have you) at our side. Thank you in advance for the support you can give.

DONATE NOW, it's simple and safe.