Artificial insemination, Musk's trans child exposes the truth
Xavier Alexander Musk criticises his father's decision to bring him into the world by artificial insemination, which made him feel like a bought and selected product. From there, self-rejection is born. Elon Musk's problem: pro-natalist but not pro-life.

Xavier Alexander Musk is Elon Musk's son. In 2022, he decided to change his name to Vivian Jenna Wilson because he felt like a girl. In a post on Threads, he criticises his father's decision to create him by artificial insemination, both because this he says renders him a product that has been bought and because his father would have chosen him among the other embryos for his male sex, a sex he would later reject. Here are Xavier's words: “The sex I was assigned at birth was a commodity that was bought and paid for. So when I was female as a boy and then became transgender, I was rejecting the product that was being sold. The expectation of masculinity that I had to rebel against all my life was a monetary transaction. A monetary transaction. A MONETARY TRANSACTION. How the hell can that be legal”?
Young Xavier confirms that, as is often the case, it is only when we are directly affected by immoral behaviour that we understand its perversity. Secondly, Elon Musk's son rightly feels like a product, since he was the object of a sale and selected on the basis of his sex. Like buying a car based on its make or engine size.
Thirdly, it is interesting and sad to note that the rejection of one's biological sex could also, and above all, stem from the very technique of extracorporeal fertilisation. The self-rejection - and biological sex is an aspect of a person's identity - stems from the rejection of the way Xavier came into the world. The wound inflicted on this boy's dignity has not been healed, and he has chosen a way to heal this wound that will only make his condition worse. His sentence is a key point: “The expectation of masculinity that I had to rebel against all my life was a monetary transaction”. How many young people rebel against their parents' expectations that have nothing to do with their identity or vocation? Xavier felt planned, constructed at a desk long before conception, even commodified. Not wanted for himself, but as an object to satisfy his parents. Hence his radical rejection of the Xavier planned by his father and the construction of a new one, so fundamentally different from the previous one that it had to be a girl. Hence the evident break with his father.
And now let's focus on famous Musk. Elon Musk is not pro-life, he is pro-birth. It’s a term we all need to become familiar with, because it is likely to become more and more common as a result of the infamous demographic winter in the West. Pro-birthers are for births at all costs. In short, for them the end justifies the means. It is this detail that distinguishes them from pro-lifers, who also want to increase the birth rate, but not by any means.
Musk, as a pro-lifer, is in favour of artificial insemination. Tesla's founder is the father of 14 children with 4 women, and at least 5 of them were conceived through in vitro fertilisation. However, Musk is an impure pro-lifer, not a radical one; in fact, he is in favour of abortion, a practice that prevents births. When Texas passed the famous law preventing the abortion of a child with a beating heart, Musk, surely inspired by Stuart Mill, commented on the news as follows: “I believe in maximising individual freedom as long as it doesn't harm others. Extreme positions on both sides of this debate are losing positions”. It's a great pity that abortion damages the freedom of the unborn child by killing it.