
Worldwide appeal to cardinals and bishops: stop Fiducia Supplicans

Worldwide appeal to cardinals and bishops: stop Fiducia Supplicans

Ecclesia 02_02_2024

The blessing of gay couples subverts Catholic doctrine. Many Pastors forbid its application and now ask the Pope to revoke the Declaration. Illustrious signatures from all over the world launch a document, and to which it is possible to adhere.

Our Lady of Good Success, prophecies for our times

Our Lady of Good Success, prophecies for our times

On 2 February, 430 years ago, the cycle of apparitions of "Mary of Good Success" began with the appearance of the Blessed Virgin to Sister Mariana of Jesus, today a Servant of God, leaving us prophecies - many already fulfilled, others to come - about the Church and the world today.

Gay couples, Pope’s contortions to avoid telling truth

Gay couples, Pope’s contortions to avoid telling truth

In interview after interview, Pope Francis pulls out all stops to defend the Declaration on blessings to homosexual couples, and tries to corroborate a false narrative to muddy the waters.

Suspicious funds and dubious priests plague Bishop Viganò's hermitage

Suspicious funds and dubious priests plague Bishop Viganò's hermitage

The money raised to host the nuns of Pienza (who will not reside there) will allow the renovation of an ancient convent in the Viterbo area in Italy, inhabited by former Familia Christi priests, who reject ecclesiastical authority. But, the project, launched in ambiguity, is Monsignor Viganò baby.

Criticising the Pope is lawful, here’s how

Criticising the Pope is lawful, here’s how

Criticism of the Pope is morally licit because he too can make mistakes, except when he speaks ex cathedra. The Bible, the Magisterium and canon law provide for it. But, it must respect the principle of proportion and be guided by prudence and charity.

Orgasms and genitals: Fernández's hot texts continue to surface

Orgasms and genitals: Fernández's hot texts continue to surface

La pasión mística, the 'hidden' book by the Prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith, which recently caused a stir, was not a youthful mistake. After 1998, there are three other books by 'Tucho' that have questionable chapters.

Is Hell empty? Jesus says no

Is Hell empty? Jesus says no

In the pope’s words pronounced on TV, there is the drama of a Church that in the name of a misunderstood mercy does more to "excuse" than to evangelise. But the "door is narrow", the Lord warns.

In memory of Cardinal Pell: a living martyr of the faith

In memory of Cardinal Pell: a living martyr of the faith

On the first anniversary of the death of the Australian cardinal, his secretary offers the Daily Compass his personal testimony on the man he called "a confessor of the Church". Pell was close in life as even in death to Benedict XVI.

Africa builds “cracked” wall against gay blessings

Africa builds “cracked” wall against gay blessings

The bishops' conferences of the Dark Continent rejects blessing homosexual couples because it goes against African culture (what if this changes tomorrow?). Their staunch opposition to Fiducia Supplicans is clear but their argument is weak.

Crisis generates schisms: also Monsignor Viganò goes his own way

Crisis generates schisms: also Monsignor Viganò goes his own way

The announced episcopal re-consecration marks a point of no return for Bishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former apostolic nuncio to the USA and great accuser of Pope Francis in the McCarrick scandal. After illicitly ordaining priests throughout Europe, he intends to make a monastic structure in Viterbo the centre of his movement. But, it’s a mistaken and unsuccessful response to the crisis of the Church.

Orgasm like paradise, Fernández's porn-theology

Orgasm like paradise, Fernández's porn-theology

Orgasm like an anticipation of Paradise. Emerging from oblivion is La Pasión Mística, a shocking book published in 1998 by the current Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) , Victor Fernández. A morbid focus on sexual union as an act decoupled from procreation and as pleasure alone with a 'pathological' account of a mystical-erotic experience.

Priest excommunicated in Italy, just sanction but problem remains

Priest excommunicated in Italy, just sanction but problem remains

A correct reconstruction of the story of Father Ramon Guidetti demonstrates that Bishop Giusti's decision is indisputable. However, a fact also remains. There is growing agitation over the decisions made by this pontificate among the faithful and the clergy, which is pushing many people out of the Church.