
Who, why and how they wanted to put Jesus to death
LENT / 1

Who, why and how they wanted to put Jesus to death

Ecclesia 22_02_2023

Starting from today, Ash Wednesday, our Lenten journey begins. This year we intend to follow it through the comments of Father Cornelio a Lapide (1567-1637) on the Passion according to the Gospel of Saint Matthew. It begins with the decision of the priests to put Jesus to death.

"Civitavecchia: Our Lady's prophecies are already being fulfilled"

"Civitavecchia: Our Lady's prophecies are already being fulfilled"

The diabolic attack on the family, apostasy and scandals in the Church, the danger that threatens Italy and the risk of a nuclear war, which nonetheless - Mary advised - can be avoided. The Daily Compass interviewed Father Flavio Ubodi, vice-president of the diocesan commission which studied the events of Civitavecchia. The messages given by Our Lady between 1995-96 "are being punctually fulfilled".

Jesuits hold firm to soften sanctions against Rupnik

Jesuits hold firm to soften sanctions against Rupnik

From Jesuit Verschueren’s statements, it seems highly unlikely that forthcoming measures against Father Rupnik will go towards the only sanction proportionate to the crimes committed by the Jesuit: dismissal from the clerical state. Yet, the code of Canon Law is clear.


The great escape, Catholics flee the only true church

The great escape, Catholics flee the only true church

There is a dramatic crisis of faith, regretfully also fuelled by the leadership of the Church, which is driving many of the faithful to give in to the temptation of following other paths, from Orthodoxy to sedevacantism to the Lefebvrian communities.  But there is nothing Catholic about these positions, this is why.

Synod rehearsals in the name of “forbidden to forbid”

Synod rehearsals in the name of “forbidden to forbid”

Overcoming divisions and oppositions in the Church by creating a space where everyone can find their place. This is the approach that is being insistently proposed in preparation for the Synod, as demonstrated by the recent conference in Bologna by Father Timothy Radcliffe, the pro-LGBT Dominican called to preach the opening spiritual exercises. But it is also the position closest to the portrait of the Antichrist sketched by Vladimir Solov'ev.

Cardinal Sarah: «Nobody can forbid the celebration of the Eucharist»

Cardinal Sarah: «Nobody can forbid the celebration of the Eucharist»

Moral scandals and doctrinal confusion. How can an ordinary Catholic avoid being discouraged yet still faithfully follow the Church? In his book - Catechism of the Spiritual Life - Cardinal Robert Sarah indicates an itinerary of conversion through the sacraments as the way to build a strong relationship with God and serve a Church in a crisis of faith. The Eucharist, without which a Christian cannot live, is central to experiencing Christ.

Another victim surfaces in Rupnik scandal, Pope's blank mind

Another victim surfaces in Rupnik scandal, Pope's blank mind

While another shocking testimony of a nun-victim of Father Rupnik emerges, in an interview with the AP agency, Pope Francis washes his hands of the scandal. Allegedly, he knew nothing and never intervened; he defends the statute of limitations in this case because the abuses were not committed against minors or 'vulnerable adults'. An untenable line of defence, refuted by many circumstances.

Heretic bishop candidate for guardian of orthodoxy, risk of schism

Heretic bishop candidate for guardian of orthodoxy, risk of schism

Monsignor Heiner Wilmer is favoured to lead the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, despite evident contradictions to the magisterium. The fact the Pope even considers him lends support to the controversial “Synodale Weg”, of which Wilmer is a leading exponent, in thought and deed.

Benedict XVI: 'the purpose of the liturgy is God'

Benedict XVI: 'the purpose of the liturgy is God'

Benedict XVI's liturgical legacy expresses first and foremost the primacy of worship, conscious that authentic liturgical renewal does not come through instructions and regulations nor through misguided participation. Hence the commitment to a 'reform of the reform', starting with his own example in papal celebrations.

Saint Joseph Pope Benedict’s favourite saint

Saint Joseph Pope Benedict’s favourite saint

Among Benedict XVI's favourite saints is Saint Joseph, whom the pope describes as “the man who gave God the greatest proof of trust, even in the face of such an astonishing announcement”. An exquisite example of a putative father, Joseph is described by Ratzinger first and foremost as a just man. Numerous feasts and solemnities are inspired by him. And there is even a shrine in Provence where he appeared.

On abortion and gender, Benedict and Francis are irreconcilable

On abortion and gender, Benedict and Francis are irreconcilable

Monsignor Gänswein's memoir, which recalls Pope Ratzinger's notes on Pope Francis' statements on abortion, contraception and homosexuality, confirms the different doctrinal and pastoral perspective of the reigning Pope compared to the emeritus.

“The time Pell blocked the gay lobby in Saint Patrick’s…”

“The time Pell blocked the gay lobby in Saint Patrick’s…”

He was labeled “anti-gay”, in reality, he conducted significant pastoral initiatives for AIDS patients. He did not judge them but was compassionate and provided healthcare. He wasn't afraid of anyone. He just wanted to be remembered as a pastor who did his duty for God and among God’s people. Monsignor Peter J. Elliott, Cardinal Pell’s best friend and his auxiliary bishop in Melbourne, speaks to the Daily Compass.